Thursday, December 6, 2012

Medicare Supplement Plan N - Smart Alternative To Medicare Advantage

What makes Medicare supplement plan N a good alternative to an Advantage plan? Your Medicare Advantage plan can change every year. The benefits can change, the premium can increase or the plan may not renew for the following year. What if you don't like the changes? Or maybe your Medicare Advantage plan is not renewing for the following year. Take a look at Medicare supplement plan N as a viable alternative. Plan N was introduced in June 2010 as one of the new Modernized Medicare supplement plans. Plan N offers more freedom than an Advantage plan, as well as lower premiums than most other Medicare supplement plans. In some cases, it will have lower premiums than some of the Medicare Advantage options that are available. Benefits are fairly comprehensive Benefits of plan N include: Medicare Part A:

Part A hospital deductible Part A hospital coinsurance Skilled nursing facility coinsurance Blood Hospice co-payment/coinsurance

Medicare Part B:

Part B outpatient coinsurance Blood

Other Benefits

Foreign travel emergency - 80% to lifetime max of $50,000 after $250 calendar year deductible

Premiums for Medicare supplement plan N are less than other supplements because the policy holder will share some of the outpatient costs. If you purchase this supplement, you will be responsible for:

The Part B deductible - currently $155 annually Up to a $20 co-pay for a doctors visit Up to a $50 co-pay for an emergency room visit

Why Medicare supplement Plan N is a smart alternative to a Medicare Advantage plan When you purchase plan N you are not bound by any network restrictions like many Advantage plans. Also, supplements offer standardized benefits from one company to the next and are readily accepted by medical providers. Because these are standardized plans, it is easy to compare one company to another. The difference between plan N from one company to the next is price and the perceived level of customer service.

Other than the small co-pays for doctors visits and ER visits, you will have very little out-of-pocket expense. No deductibles or daily co-pays for inpatient hospital stays are required. You may have less out-of-pocket expenses for some outpatient procedures. Many Advantage plans require the same coinsurance levels as original Medicare for outpatient surgery and other medical services. Your plan N supplement will cover the 20% coinsurance for outpatient surgery that Medicare doesn't pay. Unlike an Advantage plan, plan N is not an annual plan and you are not subject to enrollment periods. Many providers are offering plan N with limited underwriting and pre-existing conditions are not relevant in many cases. If your Medicare Advantage plan is not being renewed you are guaranteed acceptance into a Medicare supplement plan.

What are you missing?

Supplements fill in the gaps left by Medicare. You are generally not afforded additional benefits, like dental, vision or gym memberships. So you need to determine the importance of these ancillary services compared to the freedom and level of coverage offered by the supplement. Medicare supplements do not include Part D drug coverage. You will need to purchase a separate drug plan and will still be subject to Part D enrollment periods. Whether or not the plan will fit your budget is obviously a huge factor. But that said, there are Advantage plans with higher premiums than plan N.

One benefit of a standardized plan, is that it lends itself to being easy to shop for online. Unlike an Advantage plan, you don't need to review dozens of brochures to learn about the differences from one plan to the next. The benefits are the same with Medicare supplement plan N no matter which company you are looking at and you should be able to compare plans online with little trouble.

How Can You Find Best Medicare Supplemental Insurance Plans?   Get Event Insurance Online   How Does a Medigap Policy Work?   A Guide To Medicare Supplemental Insurance   

Maternity Swimsuits for 2012

Maternity swimwear is essential wear for all pregnant women during summer and is also essential part of your maternity wear wardrobe. In our experience, swimming is by far the best exercise for pregnant women (besides maybe pilates..) plus a great excuse to show off your amazing maternity swimwear. We know what you are thinking. "A maternity swimsuit... come on. I don't want to wear a tent to the beach!" Those days are OVER! Maternity swimsuits come in all shape and color. Actually there are maternity swimwear models that you can actually nurse in!

What type of maternity swimwear is out there? You would be amazed by the selection on the market these days. There are one-piece maternity swimsuits, maternity tankinis (just like a bikini but the top is longer to cover the majority of your bump), the bikinis, the halterkinis, the nursing swimsuits, the sarongs and many others! There is no doubt you will find a type of maternity swimwear that will suit you and make you comfortable on the beach. Don't let pictures from webstores mislead. You really don't have to look like a pregnant model to feel good about yourself! Being relatively fit and above all, healthy, it's what is all about!

Swimming is one of sporting activities for pregnant women that is highly recommended by the medical experts. There are a lot of benefits of swimming for pregnant women: - It really is a great way to stay fit and healthy during pregnancy. - It's not weight bearing, so you don't have to put pressure on your temporarily loosened joints. - It uses both large muscle groups (arms and legs) and provides good cardiovascular benefits. - A low risk of injury in comparison with other kinds of exercise. - You will feel less fatigued, and better manage with pregnancy's physical challenges.

We listed below our opinions regarding wearing maternity swimwear from extensive research on this topic: - Maternity fashion does not mean wearing a tent or hiding behind your man at the beach. - Modern maternity swimwear is a reflection of a taste. - Wear it comfortably. - Choose the swimsuit that will support your body in the right places. - Choose the right size.

While you might be focused on purchasing maternity swimwear and become occupied with it, don't forget to protect your self from the strong sun! Wear a hat to protect your face and neck, put some sunblock and best of all, stay out of sun at it's peak!

Getting Ready For Your Baby: Some Tips   Getting Ready For Your Baby: Some Tips   

A Mother's Love for Her Children

A mother is someone who worries about minor things relating to her child's well being. Little things that rob her of her a peaceful sleep can include; "Is my child cold now? Is my child happy? Is she/he hungry?"

Ever since I became a mother I found out what true love really means. The bond between a mother and a child is unique and exceptional. My boys are the light of my life and I have enjoyed every minute of their childhood. To be honest, some moments were painful and others a little frustrating. However, when I go to their beds at night to say good night and watch their sleeping and beautiful innocent faces, I sometimes have to hold my own tears back. The joy my children bring to my life is very difficult to express because it is beyond description. How can I express that they have changed my life in a drastic way? How can I tell them that they are the most important beings in my life? That the thought of something awful happening to them makes me short of breath and my heart ache? Not only have they changed the meaning of life, but they have also taught me more than I can ever teach them. My sons have taught me strength and courage, but most importantly, the meaning of TRUE LOVE.

They might not be aware at such an early age that life has not been perfect for them. Although they know we faced challenges that other families have not faced, such as the younger sibling's three open-heart surgeries and abandonment from their biological father, they still have so much joy in their faces that can illuminate a whole city. Their smiles and confidence radiates to others and their compassion and intelligence makes me the proudest mother in the world.

Our circumstances do not shame us. On the contrary, my biggest effort as a single mother is teaching them with love and example that adversity and obstacles are only opportunities in disguise. We will continue to use every opportunity to share our love for humanity and life. With gratitude and love, life is magical. Embrace motherhood and know you are never alone.

If life problems are thrown at you, it only means God knew you could handle it. You see, you don't know how strong you really are, until being strong is the only option you have.

Getting Ready For Your Baby: Some Tips   Getting Ready For Your Baby: Some Tips   

How to Maintain a Clean Email List

As a business targeting success, your work doesn't end in acquiring email addresses and devising your Unsubscribe and opt-out process. There are a couple of things you would want to ensure are happening in order to keep a clean list and keep running a successful email marketing campaign. It is highly advisable, for instance, to use email validation services to determine validity and metadata information about email addresses.

Here are some steps to take to manage and keep your email list in its healthiest, fittest shape possible.

Here's a fact: email addresses eventually atrophy or go bad over time, no matter how much monitoring or checking you do. Email users may either abandon an email account (until inbox becomes too full to receive any more message) or shut it down for good. This is why a "bounce" happens - an email that you attempted to send bounces back and remains undeliverable.

More bounces means more impact on your sender reputation, since most service providers believe that responsible email senders delete bad addresses from their lists on a regular basis. As it is, spammers usually have high bounce rates. Would you want to be associated with spam practice or have bounced or bad addresses regularly removed from your database?

It is suggested that you do not remove email addresses as soon as they bounce ounce, because, for example, what if it's just temporary technical failure on the part of the service provider? You may keep your email list clean by having a threshold of three to five bounces before removing it from your database. Track undeliverable addresses and make sure that they are removed from your email list, too.

Use a web-based email address checker: it has flags that provide detail beyond whether or not an email can get past a server. Through this, marketers like you get the kind of information they need to reduce bounce rates and improve open rates in their campaigns. To verify an email address also means protecting yourself against getting blacklisted by email messengers.

Many email marketers simply continue sending to their email lists even if many users have not opened a single email in months. You don't really lose money here, but this scenario impacts your sender reputation score as determined by email service providers. What can you do to address this problem and avoid landing in the spam box for a segment of low-activity email users?

You have to know what is considered "low activity" usage. An active user may be one who opens one email a month (if you send weekly newsletters) or someone who opens an email every three months (if you send monthly newsletters). There is really no metric that you can apply here, which means you should use your own judgment.

Query all of the email addresses that do not meet your ideal criteria for your email database and place them on a separate list. This isn't to ignore them; you just want to limit your frequency of emails to them. You should also identify those who may be looking at your email but not registering as an opened email due to images that don't load or those who are forever on a preview-pane view.

Email everyone on your low email usage list and inform them that you are doing regular email maintenance. Ask them if they are still interested to receive your mails (of course with a call-to-action to continue subscription), and if they are, provide a confirmation link or an email address where they can complete steps to return to your main email list.

All these may seem like a lot of work, but in the long run they will spell profound benefits to your direct marketing. If you are past the startup-business level, how about investing time and money on efficient tools like email validation and reaping long-term gains and savings?

Email Marketing Etiquette   Cutting to the Chase   Capture Attention With Email Marketing   5 Tips to Boost Your Email Marketing   Six Simple Ways to Engage Your Email Subscribers and Strengthen Relationships   Don't Ask Too Much From Strangers   

The Essential Steps To An Effective Patent Search

Creation Submission is about obtaining a patent on your invention. Securing a patent for your invention when you've got a terrific idea that you have worked on is very possible in this day and age. The principle reasons why inventors obtain patents for their plans are to generate protect their work so that they might either sell the rights on the patent or market or manufacture the item for profit.

Patent search Before an inventor initiates the process of applying for patent, they must conduct a patent search to ensure that their invention, plan or process is eligible. An individual can conduct the search on his or her own through the database of the US patent office. This can be a time-consuming effort if you don't know your way around the system.

Many inventors hire a patent lawyer to handle the paperwork as well as the extensive search required to ensure that the patent application process goes smoothly. Since the system is computerized, it is possible to go online and conduct a thorough search. You can also research the USPTO's Patent and Trademark Depository Library for other patent-related publications.

US patent and trademark business office The US Patent and Trademark Business office, website defines an invention as "Any new and valuable approach, machine, manufacture, or composition that can make a difference, or any new and helpful advancement thereof, which, taken together, involve pretty much everything that is definitely created by a gentleman."

The US Patent and Trademark Office issued patents to inventors which give them the option to exclude many others from making, making use of, or marketing their invention while in the United States of America. In exchange for this grant, the inventors must disclose their invention to the public in an easily accessible format. A patent doesn't grant inventors the right to create, use, sell, or import their inventions. It just excludes others from doing so without permission.

The US Patent and Trademark search To buy a in-depth patent search utilizing a patent search service is about $1000. "An inventor's idea or product might have been available on the market before but the cost was too great to continue manufacturing, or it might be patented under another use that is unrelated to the search criteria. If nothing turns up when using the free U.S. Patent Office patent search database, it might be time to hire a patent attorney or patent search firm at an initial price of about $1,000 for any more in-depth search. The price of a basic patent search within the Washington D.C., area runs between $200 and $300.

If you have been given the all clear signal to go ahead and apply for your patent after the search has concluded, it's time to make sure all your paperwork is organized and ready for presentation. The patent agent who handles your claim may take an average of three days to review and investigate the claim but it will take a lot longer to get your patent approved.

Gene Patenting Fact   Software Patent Infringement Strategies   Why Can Patents Be Granted for Multiple Similar Inventions?   Using Archived Software Products As an Intellectual Property Portfolio   

5 Tips For Claims Writing

Without claims, a patent will be like a boat without a rudder. Claims provide some exclusive rights or scopes of protection to the inventor or patent holder. Phrasing or wording sense of claims is responsible for giving a defined legal protection to the patent holders. Valuable claims also help in stopping the infringing activities of other competitors or third parties.

Tips for claims writing

1. Systematic order of claim writing

- Independent claim should be write first. And, it should have broad scope of protection.

- After writing the independent claim, dependent claims should have to write in a well delineated manner, so that all limitations of independent claim can be covered aptly.

2. Clear and crisp in meaning

- Claim sentences should be clear and crisp. Because, these sentences are responsible for defining more transparent and valuable meanings of the claims.

- Try to avoid the use of those words that have broad meaning or not having a defined limitation. For example, "heavy", "large", "used in large extant", "mostly required" etc. Because, they have subjective idea or sense in their meaning, not to an objective judgment.

3. Fully structured and having all elements

- All necessary elements or words should be present in a claim means it must not be incomplete.

- It should cover all inventive features, embodiments, technical applications of invention as well as scopes of protection.

- Each claim should be written in single sentence.

- Introductory phrase part, linking part and body of the claim part all should be arranged in a well delineated manner.

4. Fully supported by description part

- The basis of claim writing should be sufficiently mentioned in the description part of patent application.

- Each part or term i.e. mentioned in claims should be directly or indirectly inferred from the description part of the patent application. Sometimes, when claims are not supported by the description part, then the chances of cancellation during patent office examining gets increase.

5. Use of best suited phrases and words

- In introductory part, we generally write about the field or type of invention.

- In body part, inventive features should be written in association with valid legal scopes of invention.

- As we know that linking words or phrases are used to describe the relation between introductory part and body part.

- Some famed phrases or words those are generally used in linking part mentioned below

a. "consisting of" b. "consisting essentially of" c. "including" d. "which comprises".

Gene Patenting Fact   Software Patent Infringement Strategies   Why Can Patents Be Granted for Multiple Similar Inventions?   Using Archived Software Products As an Intellectual Property Portfolio   Patent Riches Through Licensing   

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